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Camps for Kids in Morris Plains, NJ

HuckleBerry Play is a new, state-of-the-art facility that delivers fun to kids of all ages. Our facility includes a rip-roaring zip line, daring slides, and one of the largest ball pits in the area. That makes us one of the go-to places for camps for kids in the Morris Plains, NJ-area. We recognize the need for avenues for kids to blow off steam during winter, fall, and summer breaks – as well as parents’ need to have somewhere to take their children. We hope our programs will provide your kids with exciting days filled with fun and learning.

kids standing

A Summer Full of Learning and Endless Fun

We designed a customized summer camp program so kids of all ages can use our facility. Artsy kids can paint, write essays, and tell stories straight from their imagination. Young scientists can see what makes things go boom and discover how to put the POP back in science. Inquisitive minds will love our global speaker program, which introduces kids to global issues. You can sign your kid up for as many or as few camps as you want.

A Partnership Designed to Boost Excitement and Education

We partner with VSA Future Learning Center on our camps. They built active learning models for online and in-person classrooms, enabling children to discover the joys of obtaining new knowledge. We work with this wonderful organization to create camp programs that offer excitement and education in equal measure. By incorporating their innovative approach into our 15,000-square-foot facility, we have successfully provided your kids with memories to last a lifetime.

Call to Book Your Party Today!