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Huckleberry Spring Camp

A Fun-Filled Adventure for Kids!

Looking for an exciting and educational way to keep your kids engaged this spring? Huckleberry Spring Camp, in partnership with Snapology, is the perfect opportunity for children to explore, create, and have fun in a safe and dynamic environment! With a wide variety of activities designed to stimulate learning and creativity, this camp is a must for kids who love to play, discover, and build friendships.

What’s in Store for Your Child?

Our camp is designed to provide a mix of structured learning and free play, ensuring that children remain engaged while having tons of fun. Kids will participate in activities that blend science, technology, engineering, arts, and movement, helping them develop essential life skills while making memories.

Featured Programs:

  • Foundational Engineering – Hands-on building activities that enhance problem-solving skills.
  • Robopets Robotics – Interactive robotics sessions that teach kids the basics of coding and robotics.
  • Kinder Bots Robotics – Age-appropriate robotics programs that introduce younger children to technology and engineering.
  • Arts & Crafts – A creative space where kids can express themselves through painting, sculpting, and other hands-on projects.
  • Dance & Music Class – Energetic sessions that promote movement, coordination, and confidence through rhythm and song.

Why Choose Huckleberry Play Camps?

Huckleberry Play Camps provide a safe and fun environment where kids can explore freely while being supervised. Our partnership with Snapology brings engaging STEAM learning opportunities, introducing children to science, robotics, and engineering in an exciting way. Each camp is packed with themed play and exploration, sparking imagination and encouraging social development. To make the experience stress-free for parents, we offer flexible scheduling options along with included lunch and snacks, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable camp experience for both kids and families.

Call to Book Your Party Today!

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